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  • And your other soldeirs 35.000 could be taken in Japan just as easy ,,, lets say a fishing boat from North korea

    Think Progress » ThinkFast: September 26, 2006 2006

  • Somebody needs to google up and realize just how many troops North korea has to throw around.

    Firedoglake » Perfect Storm? 2006

  • One wonders what he would have said if someone had forcefully pressed him on the contradictions between what we see happening with Saddam destroying missiles and what he is saying about North korea.

    Hullabaloo 2003

  • I hear they have free room and board for wanna be's in Venezuala and North korea and they are waiting for people like you.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories Striker101 2010

  • I hear they have free room and board for wanna be's in Venezuala and North korea and they are waiting for people like you.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories Striker101 2010

  • Obamaboy's favorite people: "I hear they have free room and board for wanna be's in Venezuala and North korea and they are waiting for people like you."

    Propeller Most Popular Stories Striker101 2010

  • Obamaboy's favorite people: "I hear they have free room and board for wanna be's in Venezuala and North korea and they are waiting for people like you."

    Propeller Most Popular Stories Striker101 2010

  • In that world one can have meaningful negotiations with insane people and murderous nations like North korea and Iran.

    The American Spectator 2009


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